Friday, May 22, 2009

I love renewing our visas.

It has been a long time since we blogged... things have gotten a little busy, but things are really good. My cousin JC and his friends have been here, along with Dudley who brought Bart and Melissa Dodson whom we are happy to now call our friends. Groups have started coming and are doing some neat things.

We just got back this morning from a visa renewal to Costa Rica. Just Will and I went this time since Amber is going back to the states next month. We had so much fun and it was perfect timing to go and be able to relax. We went to Jaco beach. While we were there, Will surfed until the jumping sting rays out of the waves made him a little timid, fished, I read, swam and just enjoyed the beauty. It was a great time.

Seriously beautiful.

Will fishin.

We are back in Teguc, refreshed and ready to hit it hard for another 3 months.