Friday, June 5, 2009

Chainsaw Framing, Churches with a View

This past week we have gotten to work with some great people on some great projects. The first project was the roof in Mogote over the classrooms. Norm, James, and Justin Easter along with Tom and Evelyn Poteit came down to make the church less leaky. It was a great project and the classrooms will now be much more functional and less musty during the rainy season.

Then Dudley Chancey, Bill Walters, and Don Drew came down to put a roof on the church in Isopo (and help finish the one in Mogote). The walls of the church have been built but with no roof leaving the building useless until that was finished. With the help of some chainsaw framing and lots of thought, the church in Isopot now has a roof. We were so glad to be able to help with these projects which were really usefull. The people in Isopo were so happy to have their new building. In the evenings during this last week there was usually about 100 people watching as the sun lowered into the beautiful mountains in the distance. On the last day when finished the church members gave us an official thank you letter with the stamp of the church on it saying that they were so thankful.

(The kids love to sit in the back of the truck)

(The finished product)

I think in this last week we have gotten be at some of the most beautiful churches in the world. This is a picture of the church in the mountain east 2 hours on a dirt road from Catacamas in Las Cabas. Then working on the roof in Isopo with a view of the green vallies surounded by mountains, wow, beautiful places.


Sammie said...

ah! I know Tom Potete and Don Drew! That's so cool that they came to help! and Dudley is my hero

jessica said...

So happy you guys had such a successful week! It does look beautiful there.

Tamara said...

Will, were you having flashbacks to fraiming our cabin roof & the shop years ago? I bet you wished you had written notes! We hope to see your work in person sometime!