Saturday, October 31, 2009

So are you Bob Marley fan, or are you church people?

So it was that time again to renew our visa. This time we headed for Belize on a boat that leaves from the north shore of Honduras in Puerto Cortes and goes straight to Placencia, Belize. It was a long journey and took a couple of days but it went smoothly. We had a great time relaxing in a beautiful country we had never been too.
I loved the culture of the people in Belize. Placencia is a mix of people from all over the world. Many of the locals speak Criole which sounds like a mixture of languages with some English thrown in their but most people speak English with a really cool island accent, kind of Jamaicanish. Everyone is sooo friendly too. You can't walk down the street or the sidewalk in town without saying hello and having small conversation with everyone you pass. One man we passed on the street and became friends with stopped us and asked, "So are you Bob Marley fans or are you church people?" I replied to him that we were both, haha, and I think that blew his mind. We ended up having a conversation later with him sitting on the beach about life, love, and respect.
We had a great time of relaxing and discovered a really cool place in the world that we can't wait to visit again to renew our visas.


jessica said...

Looks awesome! Sounds just like I imagine it in my head:)

Tamara said...

This probably shows my age, but who is Bob Marley?

Glad you made it back and had a nice break!

Sammie said...

Love it. mmmm Bob Marley!

Jenn said...

i like this picture : )